Episode 63 David Williams -a beginners journey discussing the first few months.How he found amazing NSVS and health benefits whilst losing 24kg( 50 pounds) of weight.

David Williams, short biography.  I was born in the United States 55 years ago and grew up in the Detroit suburbs. After university and military service I married a Canadian and have lived in Toronto for more than 25 years. I’ve enjoyed various careers from teaching...

Episode 52 – Karen Finn – she is a health blogger and journalist and in this podcast discusses her own health journey. We de-bunk six myths about intermittent fasting

Health blogger and journalist Karen Finn resides in London in the UK. Karen started her intermittent fasting lifestyle about 2.5 years ago, to try and tackle undesirable menopausal symptoms, including weight gain. Although she had tried other “get healthy” regimens...