Sarah Kull is a New Zealand Registered Nurse. She has been working with intermittent fasting since January 2018, in particular to support people with type 2 diabetes and weight related health issues. Sarah graduated from Auckland University of Technology in 2003 with a Bachelor of Health Science (Nursing) and went straight into Primary care where she has been working for over 16years.
As a registered primary care nurse she has a background in chronic care management and diabetes as well as the many health risks associated with obesity. With a growing epidemic of type 2 diabetes and obesity related health issues in NZ, Sarah was looking at alternatives to the old “calories in vs calories out” advice that has not made an impact on global health since its inception. She came across the work of Dr Jason Fung, a Canadian nephrologist and world leading expert on intermittent fasting for type 2 diabetics. Having been taught throughout her career that type 2 diabetes is a long term, chronic disease that worsens with time, the results from Dr Fung’s work was phenomenal. Sarah went on to look at intermittent fasting as a solution to New Zealand’s growing crisis and so spent time researching and learning about fasting as an option in her work.
Sarah was able to gain the backing of the general practitioners she was working with to implement Intermittent fasting with her patients who were type 2 diabetic, pre-diabetic or suffering from weight related health concerns. Over the course of that following year, Sarah saw significant and impressive results in many of her patients whom have followed the intermittent fasting lifestyle. Patients have been able to reverse their type two diabetes, they have lost weight and maintained that loss, many have had a reduction in diabetes medications as well as fantastic improvements in blood results.
Sarah continues to work with clients privately and in clinics in South Auckland, an area known for its high rates of type two diabetes and obesity, to teach them about intermittent fasting. She is continuing to see the same great results with those who adopt the fasting lifestyle. Sarah runs an intermittent fasting Facebook support group where she helps many of her patients stay motivated and shares information and support for those who need it as well as encouraging success stories, and a sense of community. With well over 3000 members throughout New Zealand and growing daily, it is a fantastic resource to each and every member.
In her spare time, Sarah is a mum to two young children, she enjoys Pilates, swimming and of course Intermittent fasting. Sarah is the CEO of Pokeno Medical Charitable trust (an organisation she helped set up to support local families with significant health concerns) and when she is not organising fundraisers or charity balls for this trust, she enjoys camping and spending time with family and friends.
Connect with Sarah on her web page.
Sarahs Facebook Group
Enjoy the show