As a child, Ryan Smith was captivated by comic books, horror fiction, and Greek Mythology. His belief in the transformative power of stories led him to a career in education where for 24 years, he shared his love of the written word teaching high school English. After decades of weight struggle, Ryan created his own personal transformation story after discovering the power of fasting. He and his wife Kim went on to co-author Unbelievable Freedom: How We Transformed Our Health & Happiness with Intermittent Fasting. He shares his life-changing fasting practice to encourage others to make positive changes in their own lives. Fasting is the Foundation: A Real Man’s View of Unbelievable Freedom is his second published work.

Ryan gives some great advice about intermittent fasting and provides a great insight into his journey. He tells us about his battle with weight and finding his groove with fasting and making it a long term sustainable lifestyle. Ryan tells us about how he and his wife Kim published Unbelievable Freedom. A highly successful book about there incredible health transformation as a couple. A fantastic listen from a highly respected member of the international fasting community.