David Williams, short biography.

 I was born in the United States 55 years ago and grew up in the Detroit suburbs. After university and military service I married a Canadian and have lived in Toronto for more than 25 years. I’ve enjoyed various careers from teaching in public schools, working for a foodbank, and information technology. Just prior to the pandemic, I completed a 20 year career in IT with the justice system. I first became obese as an adolescent. While in the military, I used diets and lots of running to stay within prescribed weight limits but was usually overweight. As the most overweight officer on the ship, I was put in charge of other overweight sailors (AKA, the Fat Boy Program) to lead them in lunchtime exercise. Once I ended my military service, my weight took off and I gained another 60 lbs so fast I got stretch marks. Fortunately, marriage and home cooking stopped my expansion and I settled into being 50-90 lbs overweight ever since. Together, my wife Barb and I have tried a few diets. Of the two of us, I’m much more of a tinkerer and have tried additional more restrictive diets including the 4 hour body (Slow carb) and Dr. Fung’s extended fasts. I didn’t find any of them sustainable long term, though they did help prepare me for success with IF. I’ve always been a stress eater and drinker and work stresses were usually my trigger. The foods and alcohol that temporarily soothed me were always processed high carbs and sugar which ultimately left me more stressed and sad. A year ago, I was near my highest weight and experiencing daily bouts of reflux and bad snoring. I knew my obesity was leading to serious medical issues and that I had to make a change. However, my high carb eating and drinking made it impossible to stick to any of my old diets for more than a couple days. In November, Barb discovered The Fasting Highway Face Book page and podcast. After reading Graeme Currie and others posts, I immediately started the diet by copying Graeme Curries example precisely. I read Feast, Fast Repeat and understood just how healthy IF can be as a way of life. I started on November 19thand I think I will remember it as one of the most important days of my life.


My book The Fasting Highway is available on Amazon in both paperback and kindle.

For Australian and New Zealand residents, you can buy the book direct from me at www.thefastinghighway.com. For the rest of the world, Amazon is your best option. Thank you to the many who have bought a copy of my book, it is much appreciated. The link below will take you to my book on Amazon.

Amazon.com : the fasting highway

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