Mich Faith is 57 years old who works and lives in Alberta, Canada. She has been married to her wonderful husband for 34 years and has a 20 yr old son. Mich has worked in community corrections for the past 28 years. Working with individuals experiencing homelessness, mental health issues and addiction.
Mich has been obese most of her adult life and suffered off and on with severe lower back pain. Mich knew something had to changed, her back pain had become intense and more frequent. At times she had difficult walking. Everything changed 3 years ago when Mich read Delay Don’t Deny by Gin Stephens.
By Mich Faith
I tried every diet under the sun. You name it I tried it. I spent thousands of dollars on diet clubs, gym memberships and boxed diet foods. I was always looking for a magic recipe that would make me look “skinny”. I use “skinny” because being and looking healthy never entered my mind. I gained and lost the same 60 pounds over and over again until my weight ballooned to 265 pounds and was wearing a tight size 24/26. I did achieve short term success with a popular low carb diet. I lost 60 pounds and kept it off for less than 6 months. I was exhausted, felt crappy but I looked “skinny”. However, I knew I couldn’t keep up with that way of eating and gain all the weight back plus more.
My health started to decline in my 50s. I suffered from extreme lower back pain and was put on powerful painkiller along with many physio appointments. At times I couldn’t walk without assistance. My fear was I would have to depend on a walker to get around. I was also diagnosed with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver disease ( NFLD). It was a low point in my life. I was exhausted, in pain and had low self-esteem.
Fortunately, I happened on to Gin Stephen book Delay Don’t Deny which I finished reading in one night. Everything I read spoke to me and it changed my life.
Enjoy the show,