Tiffany Henschel lives in Northern Texas in the United States. Tiffany is the founder of the growing Facebook group- Fast Feast Repeat Intermittent Fasting with a low carb lifestyle and her passion is to encourage and empower others to take charge of their own health.
She is a 50-year-old English teacher and mom of four children and has six grandsons. Tiffany is an avid reader, writer and researcher.
In this episode, Tiffany tells us about her amazing weight loss journey where she lost a total of 130 pounds. Tiffany also talks about her mixed success with dieting prior to finding Intermittent fasting with weight loss and weight regain. Tiffany describes how sugar binges, a carb-heavy diet and heightened personal stress in her twenties combined in a perfect storm resulting in her reaching a top weight of 260 pounds (117kg). Tiffany was obese for 20 years and knew she had to make a change for her health after watching people suffer from age and weight-related issues. Tiffany was determined not to let this happen to her. Tiffany’s experience and insights into reducing carbohydrates and sugar make for interesting listening. Tiffany stresses that not everyone is as restrictive as she is and respects the choices people make.
Enjoy the Show