The Fasting Highway Podcast

with Graeme Currie

Your host Graeme Currie lost an astonishing 60 kg (132 pounds) with intermittent fasting and has successfully kept that weight off for a number of years.

In each episode, of this popular intermittent fasting podcast you’ll hear from Graeme and a guest with an intermittent fasting story to tell.

You’ll hear from intermittent fasters ranging from beginners to long-term experts, all with interesting insights to share and stories to tell that will help keep you motivated on your journey.

Graeme is an ordinary down-to-earth Australian bloke who has found a way to reach a healthy weight that is achievable and sustainable.

These podcasts are an easy-listen featuring people who have actually lived the journey and can relate to the struggles that you may have experienced with weight over the years.

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DISCLAIMER – Any advice in this podcast should not be taken as medical advice please always seek your doctor’s opinion before starting any health plan.

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